home sweet home.

as most of you probably already know, i have moved back home to las vegas. although i’m out of the city for now, i’m still closing some loose ends on my connection to living there which has kept me pretty busy. since i have moved back, i have continued to learn some life lessons from the realizations that i’ve been having about my big transition back home.

i know this is cliche, but aren’t cliches what they are for a reason? because maybe they’re true? i’m 25 and i’m having a crisis, and it happens to be the crisis that most 25-year-olds have. i’m at a place in life where i feel as if i have no goal or plan to work toward. i’m at a place in my life where i feel as though i have fallen behind. this is a very uncomfortable place for me to be in, as i have always had “my plan.”

moving to new york was part of my big plan of life. i had everything figured out and it was all falling into place perfectly. i got my “dream job” with kate spade, easily transferred to 5th ave, and i was on my way to my “big break,” whatever that even means. after a few rough patches at work that i will leave a mystery, i realized that my path was becoming a little more complicated. i panicked and started looking at other options, especially since i was now living in the land of opportunity. to make a long story short, within a couple of weeks, i realized that moving home to las vegas was the best answer.

i’ve been home just a little over two months, and as much as i miss new york city everyday, i know that it was the best decision. i’m making strides in my personal life, the areas that i have always felt so behind in; but now i’m feeling behind in my career. i transferred back to the fashion show mall where i started my journey with kate spade. i’ve never been promoted since being with the company. here i am, two years later, in the same store, with the same title/position, and just a touch more money than what i started with (that’s a whole other story). i love my job, i love my company, and as most of you can tell by my social networks, i’m very passionate about the brand. kate spade has become a huge part of my life. i’ve invested so much into the company that i literally moved across the country for my job. right now, i feel behind. i thought my career would look different than it does. for a 25 year old with a college degree, i thought my career would be more meaningful by now.

i had a choice to stay in new york city, but i made a hard decision to come home. i knew i was letting go of all of the opportunities that were at my fingertips. i looked at jobs in my field of study (integrated marketing communications), and surprised to find that through several interviews, i would be taking more than a $10,000 pay-cut on my annual salary. it baffles me that a job that requires a college degree pays significantly less than the job i have now which requires very little knowledge and experience. i feel like something is backwards. i decided that this wasn’t the right time in my life to pursue a job in my field of study because i’m not at a place in my life where i can take a massive pay-cut. a huge reason why i moved back home was to get ahead financially, pay off debt, and save for my future. at least now i know what to expect.

after that, i realized that for now, i will continue to pursue my retail career. everyday i’m making a conscious decision to be comfortable in my routine and in my job, even though i’m not really challenged anymore. i know that for whatever reason, this is where god has me and i will be patient in this new path, because i followed his voice by deciding to move home. i still expect big things to happen, whatever and whenever they may be. i think i started to let my career define me and that is a very dangerous place to be in. everyday i do my best to remind myself of why i moved home, and all of the reasons are things that have nothing to do with my career. if i cared more about my career than the important things in my life, i would have stayed in new york city.

so with that being said, here i am back where i started, ready to dream bigger. sometimes i even think god let me experience new york to help me realize what i have been blessed with all my life. i don’t regret one single moment of this back-and-forth-across-the-country journey because what i have learned is more valuable than the thousands of dollars spent on moving and living in new york.

whatever you do in life, don’t regret it. whatever it is, for that moment it’s supposed to happen, and if you let him, god will use it to teach you and grow you.

biggest lesson so far: god’s plan > my plan.